Welcome to St Georges Youth, here you will find all the information surrounding what we have going on for our 11-18s. Our vision here at St George’s Youth is that we equip our young people to be a generation of disciples in an increasingly challenging world. We strive to give our young people the tools they need to become lifelong disciples of Jesus.

For us in the youth ministry we believe that God can and will meet with: Everyone, Everywhere, Every day. No one is excluded, nowhere is too far. God is here among us, and we are ready to live out what he has planned for us.


St George’s Youth provides a discipleship pathway for young people throughout school years 7-13, growing them into confident and strong disciples who are rooted in God’s Word, the Bible.

Where you can get involved?


Our Sunday morning youth provision during the 9.15am service.   The main focuses for this group are looking at how the stories of the Bible are relevant to us today, and helping youth to understand faith in the context of church life.


This is our Sunday morning provision for the older youth, looking at the challenges they face and bringing the Bible into these conversations. We catch up on the week (with toast!), providing space to grow their friendships. and splitting into groups to apply the Bible.

Edge Football Club

Our football group is open to all abilities. We play a relaxed game of football every week during term time, with the aim of building community. Please note, Football pauses between November and February, due to the weather.

Youth Band

Youth band is a place for the young people to use their gifts and experience what it means to be part of the worship teams here at St George’s. (Instrument, vocal, AV production team)

We meet in the afternoon to run through songs. This can be a place to gain experience playing in a group, and a stepping stone to participating in our evening service. We provide a light tea in between the practice and the service. Please contact for more details.


Ignite is our weekly Bible for those in years 7-9.  Following a book of the Bible, or series on a theme, we seek to understand the passage and work out how this applies practically for our lives today.

We offer tips and tools for the young people to help them start to build habits of daily bible reading and time with God.


Forge is our weekly Bible study for people in years 10-13. Similar to Ignite we follow a book of the Bible, or series on a theme, to understand the passage and work out how this applies practically for our lives today.

Our aim is that, as young people move out of youth into adulthood that they will be confident studying the bible on their own, and even able to lead others.


Our fortnightly gathering for older youth to hang out together, eat food and discuss what they have ‘taken away’ from that evening service.


A place for young people to come and be at the end of the week, to spend time with friends, play games all in a safe space. We have plenty of activities including table tennis, pool, games console as well as wide games and craft. We have a tuckshop available each Friday (Cash only). 


For any young people who attend any of our groups, we organise half termly socials such as, Ice-Skating, Laser tag, Silent discos, team game nights etc.