to St George’s
We are a church where Jesus is at the centre, the Bible is our guide, and people matter.
St George’s is a lively, Spirit filled, all age Anglican Church in the centre of Stamford. We meet in up to three congregations each Sunday with good provision for children and young people. We have over 40 midweek small groups and run regular Alpha courses. Everyone is welcome!
Join us
9.15am, 11am & 6.30pm
You are welcome to join us as we gather in Church at 9.15am, 11am and 6.30pm on Sundays. Services are also live streamed our You Tube Channel.
We are a community with Jesus at the centre.
We are a community with the Bible as our guide.
We are a community where people matter.

A Message from Revd Martyn Taylor
St George’s Church, Stamford is a thriving evangelical church nestled in the heart of the town of Stamford. We have a mission to proclaim the gospel to everyone locally, but also have a role to play in the revitalisation of the church across Lincolnshire. We are a church where Jesus is at the centre, the Bible is our guide, and people matter. Learn more about our Vision and Values here. We hope this website gives you a flavour of the events, people, beliefs, and foundations of our church. Please take a look around, enjoy, and do not hesitate to get in touch and come and see us for yourself. Our Services on Sunday take place both in Church and Online at 9:15am, 11.00am & 6.30pm.